DOJ报告:三名官员在选举前泄露敏感信息, DOJ report: Three officials leaked sensitive info before election, raising Hatch Act violation concerns.
司法部监察主任办公室发现,三名高级官员违反内部政策,在选举前几天向媒体透露非公开的调查信息。 The DOJ's Office of the Inspector General found that three senior officials violated internal policies by leaking non-public investigative information to the media days before an election. 这些泄漏导致新闻报道,并引起对出于政治动机的披露的关切。 The leaks led to news articles and raised concerns about politically motivated disclosures. 此案已因可能违反《哈奇法》而提交副总检察长和特别顾问办公室处理。 The case has been referred to the Deputy Attorney General and the Office of Special Counsel for potential Hatch Act violations. 报告未说明具体的调查和选举情况。 The specific investigation and election are not identified in the report.