在波士顿的一所学校,一辆简便的午餐车用热水烧了两名学生和一名工作人员。 At a Boston school, a tipped lunch cart burned two students and a staff member with hot water.
在Dorchester的William W. Henderson融合学校,两名学生和一名工作人员在一辆流动午餐车倒倒在地上时被烧毁,在自助餐厅中溢出热水。 At William W. Henderson Inclusion School in Dorchester, two students and a staff member were burned when a mobile lunch cart tipped over, spilling hot water in the cafeteria. 一名学生严重受伤,其他学生受轻伤。 One student suffered serious injuries, while the others had minor injuries. 学校护士立即提供照料,伤员被送往医院。 The school nurse provided immediate care, and the injured were taken to the hospital. 波士顿公立学校正在支持受影响的个人及其家庭。 Boston Public Schools is supporting the affected individuals and their families.