Moosup,CT的校车垃圾卡车碰撞;5名学生,2名工作人员因预防而住院。 School bus-garbage truck collision in Moosup, CT; 5 students, 2 staff hospitalized for precaution.
星期四上午,一辆校车和一辆垃圾车在康涅狄格州普莱菲尔德的Moosup发生碰撞,导致道路被关闭。 A collision between a school bus and a garbage truck in Moosup, Plainfield, Connecticut, on Thursday morning led to a road closure. 谢帕德山小学的5名学生和2名工作人员被送往医院进行预防性评估,但没有重大受伤的报告。 Five students and two staff members from Shepard Hill Elementary were taken to the hospital for precautionary evaluations, though no major injuries were reported. 学校区的重点是学生的安全,并已与家庭联系,寻求支助。 The school district is focused on student safety and has reached out to the families for support. 紧急救援人员正在现场,随着故事的发展。 Emergency responders are on the scene as this story develops.