玛丽恩学校因空间加热器而发生火灾;没有受伤,建筑物为安全起见关闭。 Fire breaks out at Marion School due to space heater; no injuries, building closed for safety.
2月12日, Winnipeg St. Boniface的Marion学校发生火灾,起因是带有空间加热器的过热电源出口。 On February 12, a fire broke out at Marion School in St. Boniface, Winnipeg, caused by an overheated electrical outlet with a space heater. 消防员于上午6时10分回击,在建筑物中发现烟雾,并控制着火势,只影响到一个办公室。 Firefighters responded at 6:10 a.m., finding smoke in the building and containing the fire, which affected only one office. 无人在场,也没有报告有人受伤。 No one was present, and no injuries were reported. 学校被关闭,家庭被要求检查电子邮件以获取最新消息。 The school was closed, and families were asked to check emails for updates. 当局提醒居民谨慎使用空间加热器。 Authorities reminded residents to be cautious with space heaters.