温哥华警方枪杀了一名嫌犯,他在市主图书馆附近刺伤多人。 Police in Vancouver shot a suspect who stabbed multiple people near the city's main library.
在温哥华,警方枪杀了一名嫌疑人,据报告,此人在市主图书馆附近刺伤了多人。 In Vancouver, police shot a suspect who reportedly stabbed multiple people near the city's main library. 旁观者视频显示,军官在一家便利商店内至少开枪10次。 A bystander's video shows officers firing at least 10 times inside a convenience store. 另一段影片显示护理人员对受伤者实施心肺复苏术。 Another video shows paramedics performing CPR on an injured person. 疑犯被称为"无家可归" 在警察命令他"搬家"后被枪杀 The suspect, described as "homeless," was shot after police ordered him to "move over." 受害者人数和嫌疑人的状况还不清楚。 The number of victims and the suspect's condition are not yet known.