美国和中国更新了技术协议,在日益激烈的竞争中将范围缩小到基础研究。 U.S. and China update tech agreement, narrowing scope to basic research amid growing rivalry.
美国和中国已经更新了科学和技术协定,以解决日益加剧的对立和安全关切。 The U.S. and China have updated their science and technology agreement to address growing rivalry and security concerns. 经过数月谈判后签署的新条约的范围较窄,增加了保障措施,重点是基础研究,排除了诸如AI和量子计算等关键技术。 Signed after months of negotiations, the new pact has narrower scope and added safeguards, focusing on basic research and excluding critical technologies like AI and quantum computing. 它旨在保护知识产权、研究人员安全和提高透明度,反映他们关系的变化和中国技术的崛起。 It aims to protect intellectual property, researcher safety, and enhance transparency, reflecting the shift in their relations and China's rise in tech.