瑞士为从卢塞恩湖、图恩湖和纽查泰尔湖安全清除7 800吨旧弹药的创新想法提供了50 000法郎的奖金。 Switzerland offers a 50,000 francs prize for innovative ideas to safely remove 7,800 tonnes of old munitions from Lakes Lucerne, Thun, and Neuchatel.
瑞士提供了50 000法郎(45 000美元)的奖金,用于创新想法,安全地从湖中清除7 800吨旧弹药,特别是卢塞恩湖、图恩湖和纽查泰尔湖。 Switzerland offers a 50,000 francs ($45,000) prize for innovative ideas to safely remove 7,800 tonnes of old munitions from its lakes, particularly Lakes Lucerne, Thun, and Neuchatel. 瑞士军方以前将这些湖泊用作处置场,卢塞恩湖有3 300吨,纽查泰尔湖有4 500吨,直到2021年一直用于轰炸。 The Swiss military previously used these lakes as disposal sites, with Lake Lucerne containing 3,300 tonnes and Lake Neuchatel, used for bombing practice until 2021, having 4,500 tonnes. 恢复可能耗资数十亿,并造成爆炸和TNT污染的危险。 Recovery could cost billions and pose risks of explosion and TNT pollution.