斯里兰卡总统承诺对官员负责,旨在重建公众的信任。 Sri Lanka's President pledges accountability for officials, aiming to rebuild public trust.
斯里兰卡总统阿努拉·库马拉·迪萨纳亚克(Anura Kumara Dissanayake)承诺, 斯里兰卡政府将追究所有官员的过失责任, President Anura Kumara Dissanayake of Sri Lanka pledged his government will hold all officials accountable for mistakes, regardless of their rank. 他强调要保持公众信任,承诺对错失行为采取果断行动,标志着与前几届政府相比发生了转变。 He emphasized maintaining public trust and promised decisive action against wrongdoing, marking a shift from previous administrations. 与州媒体领导人的会晤凸显了政府致力于透明度和建设一个更美好国家的承诺。 The meeting with state media leaders highlighted the government's commitment to transparency and building a better nation.