美国政府和公司迫切需要问责,公民必须选出诚实、负责的领导人。 U.S. government and corporations face urgent need for accountability, with citizens urged to elect truthful, responsible leaders.
文章强调美国政府和公司迫切需要追究责任。 The article stresses the urgent need for accountability in the U.S. government and corporations. 它争辩说,该国正处在一个关键时刻,面临选择继续沿着有缺陷的道路走下去或追求更好的道路。 It argues that the country is at a pivotal moment, facing the choice to continue down a flawed path or pursue a better one. 提交人呼吁公民选举表明真实和正直的领导人,同时倡导个人责任。 The author calls for citizens to elect leaders who demonstrate truthfulness and integrity while also advocating for personal responsibility. 本文强调,问责制首先从个别行动开始,这表明,经常道歉可反映个人对责任的承诺。 Emphasizing that accountability starts with individual actions, the piece suggests that frequent apologies can reflect one's commitment to responsibility.