克里斯·霍伊爵士被确诊患有绝症前列腺癌,他敦促男性检查他们的风险,鼓舞了30多万人。 Sir Chris Hoy, diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer, urges men to check their risk, inspiring over 300,000.
6次奥林匹克金牌获得者克里斯·霍伊爵士最近被诊断为绝症前列腺癌,他激励近30万人在网上检查他们的风险。 Six-time Olympic gold medalist Sir Chris Hoy, recently diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer, has inspired nearly 300,000 men to check their risk online. 其中75%以上的男子至少有一个风险因素,包括家庭历史。 Over 75% of those men had at least one risk factor, including family history. 联合王国前列腺癌大使Hoy旨在鼓励50万男子评估他们的风险,这有可能导致一项可以拯救数千人的生命的全国筛查方案。 Hoy, an ambassador for Prostate Cancer UK, aims to encourage half a million men to assess their risk, potentially leading to a national screening program that could save thousands of lives.