沙乌地阿拉伯2034年世界杯大赛可能受到大规模环境影响的批评。 Saudi Arabia's 2034 World Cup bid faces criticism over potential massive environmental impact.
沙特阿拉伯申请主办2034年世界男子杯, Saudi Arabia's bid to host the 2034 Men's World Cup faces criticism for potential environmental damage. 建造15个体育场、未来城市和机场扩建可以释放大量温室气体,有可能使其成为历史上碳密集程度最高的事件。 The construction of 15 stadiums, a futuristic city, and airport expansions could release massive amounts of greenhouse gases, potentially making it the most carbon-intensive event in history. 环境专家敦促国际足联在未来主办决定中优先考虑可持续性,强调减少碳足迹和利用现有基础设施的必要性。 Environmental experts urge FIFA to prioritize sustainability in future hosting decisions, highlighting the need for reduced carbon footprints and the use of existing infrastructure. 沙特阿拉伯在其计划中包括了一些绿色倡议,但该项目的规模仍然令人关切。 Saudi Arabia includes some green initiatives in its plans, but the scale of the project remains a concern.