拜登总统以破纪录的行动赦免了近 1,500 名非暴力罪犯。 President Biden granted clemency to nearly 1,500 nonviolent offenders in a record-breaking act.
拜登总统对近 1,500 人给予了宽大处理,其中包括贪污 5400 万美元的前迪克森主计长丽塔·克伦德威尔 (Rita Crundwell) 和被判犯有腐败罪的前凯霍加县专员吉米·迪莫拉 (Jimmy Dimora)。 President Biden granted clemency to nearly 1,500 individuals, including Rita Crundwell, the former Dixon comptroller who embezzled $54 million, and Jimmy Dimora, a former Cuyahoga County Commissioner convicted of corruption. 减刑是现代历史上最大的单日宽大处理的一部分,授予成功重新融入社区的非暴力罪犯。 The commutations, part of the largest single-day act of clemency in modern history, were granted to nonviolent offenders who had successfully reintegrated into their communities. 拜登还赦免了 39 名被判犯有非暴力罪行的人。 Biden also pardoned 39 people convicted of nonviolent crimes. 司法部表示,减刑可以减少刑期,但并不意味着无罪。 The Department of Justice stated that commutations reduce sentences but do not imply innocence.