拜登总统对 2012 年被判犯有医疗保险欺诈罪的 Meera Sachdeva 博士给予宽大处理。 President Biden grants clemency to Dr. Meera Sachdeva, convicted of Medicare fraud in 2012.
总统拜登赦免了Meera Sachdeva博士,他是密西西比医生,因提供不达标的癌症治疗而被判诈骗医疗保险罪。 President Biden has granted clemency to Dr. Meera Sachdeva, a Mississippi doctor convicted of defrauding Medicare by providing substandard cancer treatments. 2012年,Sachdeva因参与使用过期毒品和旧针头的计划而被判处20年徒刑。 Sachdeva was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2012 for her role in a scheme that included using expired drugs and old needles. 白宫以康复和社区安全作为宽大处理的理由,这是对近1 500人减刑的更广泛努力的一部分。 The White House cited rehabilitation and community safety as reasons for the clemency, which was part of a broader effort to commute sentences for nearly 1,500 individuals.