尼日利亚议会调查232M美元世界银行营养方案贷款的管理不善。 Nigerian parliament investigates mismanagement of $232M World Bank loan for nutrition program.
尼日利亚众议院正在调查世界银行为ANRIN方案提供的2.32亿美元贷款的管理不善问题,该方案旨在改善12个州的营养状况。 The Nigerian House of Representatives is investigating the mismanagement of a $232 million World Bank loan for the ANRiN program, aimed at improving nutrition in 12 states. 尽管进行了大量投资,但对无效结果和持续营养不良的关切促使调查。 Despite the substantial investment, concerns over ineffective outcomes and persistent malnutrition have prompted the investigation. 营养和粮食安全委员会、财政和司法委员会将领导调查,邀请主要利益攸关方提供真知灼见。 The Committees on Nutrition and Food Security, Finance, and Judiciary will lead the inquiry, inviting key stakeholders to provide insights. 调查旨在评估该方案的影响并处理任何不法行为。 The investigation aims to assess the program's impact and address any wrongdoing.