超过65%的尼日利亚家庭无法买得起健康膳食, Over 65% of Nigerian households can't afford healthy meals due to rising costs and scarcity.
根据尼日利亚国家统计局(NBS)最近的一份报告, 65%的尼日利亚家庭因粮食短缺、高价及财政拮据, 无法负担健康膳食。 According to a recent report by Nigeria's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 65% of Nigerian households cannot afford healthy meals due to food scarcity, high prices, and financial constraints. 该报告与世界银行合作编写,表明71%的家庭受到粮价上涨的影响,超过三分之一的家庭在过去一年中面临粮食短缺问题。 The report, conducted in collaboration with the World Bank, shows that 71% of households were impacted by rising food prices, and over a third faced food shortages in the past year. 为了应付这种情况,48.8%的家庭减少了食物消费。 To cope, 48.8% of households reduced their food consumption. 调查还强调了儿童发育迟缓和识字率不理想现象的增加,特别是在农村地区。 The survey also highlights increased child stunting and suboptimal literacy, especially in rural areas. 国家边防局呼吁改变政策,以解决这些问题,提高抗御能力。 The NBS calls for policy changes to address these issues and improve resilience.