新西兰的猎人清除了12 900多只野山羊,以保护农田和当地生态系统。 New Zealand hunters removed over 12,900 wild goats to protect farmland and native ecosystems.
在新西兰第二次年度国家竞争期间,狩猎者、地主和养护团体合作清除了12 935头野羊。 A collaboration between hunters, landowners, and conservation groups removed 12,935 wild goats during New Zealand's second annual National Competition. 这次活动由深海开发公司和新西兰鹿对口者协会举办,800多名猎人与土地所有者有联系,目的是保护农田和本地生态系统免受山羊破坏。 Organized by DOC and the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association, the event connected over 800 hunters with landowners and aimed to protect farmland and native ecosystems from goat damage. 比赛中,狩猎部门捐赠的奖金为70 000美元,展示了对环境保护的承诺。 The competition featured $70,000 in prizes donated by the hunting sector, showcasing a commitment to environmental protection.