在澳洲Bourke的家外发现妇女尸体后被控犯有谋杀罪。 Man charged with murder after woman's body found outside home in Bourke, Australia.
一名49岁的男子被控谋杀一名47岁的妇女在澳大利亚的Bourke,因为她的尸体于10月在一家家庭外被发现。 A 49-year-old man has been charged with the murder of a 47-year-old woman in Bourke, Australia, after her body was found outside a home in October. 最初被控犯有故意伤害罪,但被拒绝保释,在进一步进行法医分析和验尸时仍被拘留。 Initially charged with wounding with intent, he was denied bail and remained in custody while further forensic analysis and a post-mortem were conducted. 该男子应于2025年1月23日出庭。 The man is due to appear in court on January 23, 2025.