32岁的妇女被控在布朗平原家中谋杀72岁的男子。 32-year-old woman charged with murder of 72-year-old man in Browns Plains home.
一名32岁的妇女被指控谋杀一名72岁的男子,该男子在布里斯班以南的布朗斯平原家中被发现死亡。 A 32-year-old woman has been charged with the murder of a 72-year-old man found dead in his Browns Plains home, south of Brisbane. 紧急服务处宣布,在发现此人后,此人在现场死亡,没有反应。 Emergency services declared the man dead at the scene after discovering him unresponsive. 据信与受害人有家庭关系的妇女正面临与家庭暴力有关的指控,并定于星期二在罗尼利治安法院出庭。 The woman, believed to have a familial relationship with the victim, is facing charges related to domestic violence and is scheduled to appear in Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Tuesday.