监禁的老师伊诺克·伯克上诉, 声称强制使用"他们"代词对变性学生造成偏见. Jailed teacher Enoch Burke appeals, claiming mandatory use of "they" pronouns for transgender students creates bias.
爱尔兰狱中教师Enoch Burke在上诉法院声称, 教师被迫为变性学生使用“他们”的代名词, 认为这造成了一种有偏见的环境。 Jailed Irish teacher Enoch Burke claims in the Court of Appeal that teachers are being forced to use "they" pronouns for transgender students, arguing this creates a biased environment. Burke对Wilson医院学校开除他提出上诉 因为他违抗了离学校远一点的命令 被关进监狱 Burke, appealing his dismissal from Wilson's Hospital School, is in prison for disobeying orders to stay away from the school. 高等法院先前曾驳回他向纪律小组提出的偏见指控。 The High Court previously dismissed his bias claims against the disciplinary panel.