伊诺克·伯克 (Enoch Burke) 教师因拒绝对威尔逊医院学校的一名学生使用不同的代词而被监禁超过 275 天,他的上诉仍在审理中。 Teacher Enoch Burke remains imprisoned for over 275 days for refusing to use a different pronoun for a student at Wilson's Hospital School, with his appeal pending.
伊诺克·伯克 (Enoch Burke) 老师拒绝遵守高等法院的命令,远离韦斯特米斯县的威尔逊医院学校,目前仍被关押在芒特乔伊监狱 (Mountjoy Prison)。 Teacher Enoch Burke, who refuses to comply with a High Court order to stay away from Wilson's Hospital School in Co Westmeath, remains imprisoned in Mountjoy Prison. 伯克已入狱超过 275 天,他对被解雇的上诉仍在审理中。 Burke has been in prison for over 275 days, with his appeal against dismissal pending. 法官已将案件押后至三月审理,要求学校律师考虑监禁伯克的替代方案,例如扣押他的资产。 The judge has adjourned the case to March, requesting the school's lawyers to consider alternatives to Burke's imprisonment, such as sequestration of his assets. 伯克入狱的原因是他拒绝对学生使用不同的代词,并反对学校的方向,他声称学校的方向是基于他的宗教信仰和对变性主义的反对。 Burke's imprisonment began because he refused to use a different pronoun for a student and opposed the school's direction, which he claims is based on his religious beliefs and opposition to transgenderism.