由于违反法庭命令, 面临监禁的中学教师伊诺克·伯克 (Enoch Burke) 返回爱尔兰的威尔逊医院学校. Secondary school teacher Enoch Burke returned to Ireland's Wilson's Hospital School after defying a court order, facing imprisonment.
尽管因藐视法庭而面临监禁, 汉诺克·伯克 (Enoch Burke) 的中学老师还是回到爱尔兰的威尔逊医院学校. Secondary school teacher Enoch Burke returned to Wilson's Hospital School in Ireland, despite facing imprisonment for contempt of court. Burke因违抗离校令而被监禁400天,试图撤销高等法院驳回的命令。 Burke, who spent 400 days in prison for defying an order to stay away from the school, had his attempt to set aside the order denied by the High Court. 这名教师因在变性学生使用代名词问题上出现分歧,被停职,后来被解职。 The teacher was suspended and later dismissed from his position after a disagreement over the use of pronouns for a transgender student.