爱尔兰法院支持拒绝医生登记,认为他不适合执业。 Irish court upholds rejection of doctor's registration, deeming him unfit to practice.
爱尔兰高等法院维持了对Michael John Sheill博士恢复医疗登记申请的驳回,同意爱尔兰医疗理事会的意见,即他不适合执业。 The Irish High Court upheld the rejection of Dr. Michael John Sheill's application to restore his medical registration, agreeing with the Irish Medical Council that he is unfit to practice. Sheill博士因不当行为,包括不当开具处方的做法,于2007年被从联合王国登记册上除名。 Dr. Sheill was struck off the UK register in 2007 due to misconduct, including improper prescribing practices. 他以基于性取向的歧视为由提出的上诉被驳回,因为法院没有发现任何有偏见的证据。 His appeal, claiming discrimination based on sexual orientation, was dismissed as the court found no evidence of bias.