印度寻求与欧盟达成平衡的自由贸易协定,目的是促进贸易并尊重相互敏感性。 India seeks balanced FTA with EU, aiming to boost trade and respect mutual sensitivities.
印度商务部长皮尤什·戈亚尔(Piyush Goyal)正在推动与欧洲联盟达成平衡和全面的自由贸易协定(FTA)。 India's Commerce Minister, Piyush Goyal, is pushing for a balanced and comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the European Union. 自由贸易协定谈判已经持续了九轮,但需要政治指导才能达成有意义的协议。 The FTA negotiations have been ongoing for nine rounds but need political guidance to reach a meaningful deal. Goyal强调尊重彼此的敏感性,特别是在可持续性和共同但有区别的责任原则方面。 Goyal emphasized respecting each other's sensitivities, especially regarding sustainability and the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities. 欧盟是印度最大的贸易伙伴,2023-24年双边贸易货物达1374.1亿美元,服务业达514.5亿美元。 The EU is India's largest trading partner, with bilateral trade reaching $137.41 billion in goods and $51.45 billion in services in 2023-24. 一个成功的自由贸易协定将有助于印度扩大出口并实现出口多样化,加强其价值链。 A successful FTA would help India expand and diversify its exports and strengthen its value chains.