印度、伊朗和亚美尼亚在新德里举行会议,通过运输和贸易举措促进合作。 India, Iran, and Armenia meet in New Delhi to boost cooperation through transport and trade initiatives.
印度、伊朗和亚美尼亚在新德里举行了第二次三边会议, 重点是通过国际北南运输走廊加强合作, India, Iran, and Armenia held their second trilateral meeting in New Delhi, focusing on enhancing cooperation through the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and discussing initiatives like Armenia's "Crossroads of Peace." 他们强调了Chabahar港在区域连通性方面的作用,并同意在伊朗再次开会。 They highlighted the role of Chabahar Port in regional connectivity and agreed to meet again in Iran. 讨论还涉及贸易、旅游和文化交流。 The discussions also covered trade, tourism, and cultural exchanges.