阿塞拜疆、俄罗斯和伊朗在2025年3月前举行会议,推进拉什特-阿斯塔拉铁路项目。 Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran meet to advance the Rasht-Astara railway project by March 2025.
阿塞拜疆、俄罗斯和伊朗计划很快举行会议,讨论北南国际运输走廊内Rasht-Astara铁路分行的进展情况。 Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran plan to meet soon to discuss the progress of the Rasht-Astara railway branch within the North-South international transport corridor. 该项目的协定预计将在2025年3月前签署。 The agreement for this project is expected to be signed by March 2025. 会议将有外国、运输和能源部长以及海关部门负责人参加,目的是推动建设这一重要的运输连接线。 The meeting will involve foreign, transport, and energy ministers, as well as customs service heads, aiming to advance the construction of this significant transport link.