海地新总理宣誓要打击困扰国家的暴力和帮派控制。 Haiti's new Prime Minister vows to combat violence and gang control plaguing the country.
海地新总理Alix Didier Fils-Aimé已发誓,在最近发生屠杀和帮派暴力之后,将改善海地的安全。 Haiti's new Prime Minister, Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, has vowed to improve security in the country following recent massacres and gang violence. Fils-Aimé强调,司法部、警方和公众之间必须开展合作,重新获得控制,今年据报有5 000多人死亡,太子港85%的人被帮派控制。 With over 5,000 reported deaths this year and 85% of Port-au-Prince under gang control, Fils-Aimé emphasized the need for cooperation between the justice ministry, police, and public to regain control. 他还宣布计划启动一些项目,帮助重新开放受帮派暴力影响的企业。 He also announced plans to launch projects to help reopen businesses affected by gang violence.