海地新任总理加里·科尼利于6月8日在太子港住院。 Haiti's new Prime Minister, Garry Conille, was hospitalized in Port-au-Prince on June 8th.
海地新任总理加里·科尼利(Garry Conille)于 6 月 8 日在太子港住院,几天前他刚刚被选为国家领导人。 Haiti's new Prime Minister, Garry Conille, was hospitalized in Port-au-Prince on June 8th, just days after being selected to lead the country. 目前他住院的原因尚不清楚,但据报道他的情况稳定。 The reason for his hospitalization was not immediately known, but he is reported to be in stable condition. 科尼利于 5 月 28 日当选为总理,他是一名受过培训的医生,曾于 2011 年至 2012 年担任海地总理。 Conille, who was selected as Prime Minister on May 28th, is a medical doctor by training and had previously served as Haiti's Prime Minister from 2011 to 2012.