海地临时总统警告特朗普政策可能会灾难性地恶化海地危机。 Haitian interim President warns Trump policies could catastrophically worsen Haiti's crisis.
海地临时总统沃尔泰(Leslie Voltaire)警告特朗普(Trump)政府政策, 包括冻结援助及驱逐移民, Haitian interim President Leslie Voltaire warns that Trump administration policies, including freezing aid and deporting migrants, could be "catastrophic" for Haiti. 他指出,帮派暴力使境内流离失所人口增加了两倍,达到100多万人,失去援助可能加剧饥饿,影响海地1 140万人口中的一半。 He notes that gang violence has tripled internal displacement to over 1 million people, and losing aid could worsen hunger affecting half of Haiti's 11.4 million population. 伏尔泰为即将到来的选举寻求国际帮助和支持。 Voltaire seeks international help and support for upcoming elections.