Diana Asmar是维多利亚州卫生工人工会的负责人,在120K美元费用索赔欺诈指控中被禁止任职。 Diana Asmar, head of the Victorian Health Workers Union, banned from duties amid $120K expense claims fraud allegations.
联邦法院Craig Dowling法官限制维多利亚州卫生工人工会(HWU)分会老板Diana Asmar在她谎报超过120 000美元的商业开支后履行职责。 Federal Court Justice Craig Dowling has restricted Diana Asmar, boss of the Victorian Health Workers Union (HWU) branch, from carrying out her duties following allegations she falsely claimed over $120,000 in business expenses. 卫生服务联盟(HSU)以功能失调为由,试图将维多利亚分会交由行政部门管理。 The Health Services Union (HSU) has sought to place the Victorian branch into administration, citing dysfunction. 案件定于4月举行为期八天的听讯。 The case is set for an eight-day hearing in April.