在阿德莱德的一对夫妇面临刑事忽视和欺诈指控,罪名是谎称儿子患上癌症,加注60 000美元。 A couple in Adelaide faces charges of criminal neglect and fraud for falsely claiming their son had cancer to raise $60,000.
在阿德莱德的一对夫妇(两人均为44岁)被控刑事忽视和欺骗他人,谎称他们六岁的儿子患了癌症,以欺骗他人筹集约60 000美元。 A couple in Adelaide, both 44, have been charged with criminal neglect and deceiving others to raise about $60,000 by falsely claiming their six-year-old son had cancer. 他们剃了他的头,用绷带将他放在轮椅上。 They shaved his head and placed him in a wheelchair with bandages. 子女和兄弟姐妹被从父母的照料中除名。 The child and sibling were removed from their parents' care. 这对夫妇将于12月13日出庭, 警方正在要求公众提供资讯。 The couple will appear in court on December 13, and police are seeking information from the public.