科罗拉多州州长贾里德·波利斯象征性地削减了208项过时的行政命令,以减少官僚作风并提高效率。 Colorado Governor Jared Polis symbolically cut 208 outdated executive orders to reduce bureaucracy and improve efficiency.
科罗拉多州州长贾里德·波利斯削减了208项过时的行政命令,其权力旨在精简政府运作和减少官僚主义。 Colorado Governor Jared Polis cut 208 outdated executive orders with a power saw to streamline government operations and reduce bureaucracy. 这些命令可追溯到1920年代,被认为是多余的,并增加了不必要的文件。 The orders, dating back to the 1920s, were deemed redundant and added unnecessary paperwork. 此举旨在提高政府的效率,其中一些纸张被用于艺术项目。 This move aims to improve government efficiency, with some of the paper being used for an art project. 在Elon Musk提出联邦“政府效率部”的建议之前, The action precedes Elon Musk's suggestion for a federal "Department of Government Efficiency." 科罗拉多州参议院共和党支持这一举动,但呼吁进行更广泛的监管改革。 Colorado Senate Republicans supported the move but called for broader regulatory reforms.