苹果计划在2025年推出自己的无线芯片“Proxima”, 以提高设备控制和效率。 Apple plans to launch its own wireless chip, "Proxima," in 2025 to enhance device control and efficiency.
苹果公司计划在2025年为苹果电视和HomePod迷你等设备揭幕自己的蓝牙和无线芯片,代号为“Proxima”。 Apple plans to unveil its own Bluetooth and Wi-Fi chip, codenamed "Proxima," in 2025 for devices like the Apple TV and HomePod mini. 此举旨在让苹果公司更多控制无线硬件,减少对Broadcom等第三方供应商的依赖。 The move aims to give Apple more control over wireless hardware and reduce reliance on third-party suppliers like Broadcom. Proxima将支持Wi-Fi 6E,并可能在2026年之前并入iPhones、iPads和Macs。 Proxima will support Wi-Fi 6E and may be integrated into iPhones, iPads, and Macs by 2026. 这一转变可能导致与苹果公司内部的5G调制解调器更紧密地整合,并提高能源效率。 This shift could lead to tighter integration with Apple's in-house 5G modem and improved energy efficiency.