悉尼的尼尔森公园鲨鱼海滩 重新开放 经过三年关闭后 建造海堤。 Sydney's Nielsen Park Shark Beach reopened after a three-year closure for seawall construction.
位于悉尼东郊的Nielsen Park鲨鱼海滩在因建造海堤而关闭三年后重新开放。 Nielsen Park's Shark Beach in Sydney's eastern suburbs reopened after a three-year closure due to seawall construction. 一个多世纪以来流行的海滩由于风暴破坏和建筑问题而面临延误。 The beach, popular for over a century, faced delays due to storm damage and building issues. Aiden Green和三个朋友是2022年以来第一个在那里游泳的人,当地人对其重新开放表现出极大兴奋。 Aiden Green and three friends were the first to swim there since 2022, with locals showing great excitement for its reopening. 新的海堤旨在维持100多年,并保护人们免受气候变化影响。 The new seawall is designed to last over 100 years and protect against climate change impacts.