澳大利亚Naroma的Bar Beach在游泳者附近发现一条小鲨鱼后被关闭。 Bar Beach in Narooma, Australia, was closed after a small shark was spotted near swimmers.
11月22日,澳大利亚Naroma的Bar Beach因在海岸附近看到一只小青铜鲸鲨而暂时关闭。 On November 22, Bar Beach in Narooma, Australia, was temporarily closed due to a small bronze whaler shark sighting near the shore. 尽管有鲨鱼网,但一些游泳者进入封闭区外的水面。 Despite a shark net being in place, some swimmers entered the water outside the enclosed area. 澳洲救生队关闭海滩, 以防万一。 Surf Life Saving Australia closed the beach as a precaution. 警方和Westpace救生直升机被叫来吓跑鲨鱼。 Police and the Westpac Lifesaver Helicopter were called to scare the shark away.