新西兰允许Candace Owens发言,推翻签证禁令,而澳大利亚却禁止她发言。 New Zealand allows Candace Owens to speak, reversing a visa ban, while Australia keeps her out.
新西兰已给予美国保守评论家Candace Owens签证, 在2月和3月的事件上发言, 由于言论自由的重要性, New Zealand has granted US conservative commentator Candace Owens a visa to speak at events in February and March, overturning an earlier ban due to the importance of free speech. 尽管如此,由于先前关于大屠杀和穆斯林的言论,Owens仍被禁止进入澳大利亚。 Despite this, Owens remains barred from entering Australia due to previous remarks about the Holocaust and Muslims. 这项决定是由新西兰移民部长助理Chris Penk作出的,他强调了言论自由的重要性。 The decision was made by New Zealand's Associate Immigration Minister Chris Penk, who emphasized the significance of free speech.