在黎巴嫩的移徙工人由于虐待和与以色列的冲突而寻求返回家园。 Migrant workers in Lebanon seek to return home due to abuse and the conflict with Israel.
在黎巴嫩的移徙工人在面临包括无薪工资和被没收的护照在内的虐待之后,正在寻求返回家园。 Migrant workers in Lebanon are seeking to return home after facing abuses including unpaid wages and confiscated passports. 最近真主党与以色列之间的冲突加剧了这一局势。 The situation has been exacerbated by the recent conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. 人权团体批评Kafala制度,该制度将工人的居留权与其雇主挂钩。 Human rights groups criticize the Kafala system, which ties workers' residency to their employers. 国际移徙组织帮助遣返了寻求离境的近10 000名移徙者中的一些人。 The International Organization for Migration has helped repatriate some of the nearly 10,000 migrants seeking to leave.