马里兰州更新了《濒危物种法》,允许公民请求物种保护。 Maryland updates its Endangered Species Act, allowing citizens to petition for species protection.
马里兰州更新了《濒危物种法》,以包括更广泛的物种,并允许公民申请物种名单。 Maryland has updated its Endangered Species Act to include a broader range of species and allow citizens to petition for species listings. 这项新法律于7月1日生效,使公民个人能够通过请求审查可能需要保护或从名单上除名的物种,为养护工作作出贡献。 This new law, effective July 1st, enables private citizens to contribute to conservation efforts by requesting reviews of species that may need protection or removal from the list. 国家现在监测550多个物种,扩大公众参与野生生物保护。 The state now monitors over 550 species, expanding public involvement in wildlife protection.