美国官员提议列出因人口减少而受到威胁的君主蝴蝶名单。 U.S. officials propose listing monarch butterflies as threatened due to population decline.
美国野生生物官员提议根据《濒危物种法》将君主蝴蝶列为受威胁物种,并列举了气候变化、生境丧失和杀虫剂使用的威胁。 U.S. wildlife officials have proposed listing monarch butterflies as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, citing threats from climate change, habitat loss, and pesticide use. 该提案旨在保护蝴蝶人口,其中东部移徙群体减少了约80%,西部群体减少了95%以上。 The proposal aims to protect the butterfly's population, which has decreased by about 80% in the eastern migratory group and over 95% in the western group. 该决定将禁止除一些例外情况外杀害或运输蝴蝶,并将加利福尼亚的4 395英亩地指定为重要生境。 The decision would prohibit killing or transporting the butterflies, with some exceptions, and designate 4,395 acres in California as critical habitat. 公众可在2025年3月之前对该提案发表评论。 The public can comment on the proposal until March 2025.