印度报告称,自2015年以来,有802个业务中心援助了10.12多名受暴力影响的妇女。 India reports 802 operational centers aiding over 10.12 lakh women affected by violence since 2015.
印度政府报告说,802个 " 一站式中心 " (OSCs)现已在全国各地运作,向10.12多名受暴力影响的妇女提供支持。 The Indian government has reported that 802 One Stop Centers (OSCs) are now operational across the country, providing support to over 10.12 lakh women affected by violence. 这些中心在Shakti任务的Sambal纵向下提供医疗援助、法律咨询和临时住所。 These centers offer medical aid, legal advice, and temporary shelter under the Sambal vertical of Mission Shakti. 此外,自2015年以来,除西孟加拉邦外, " 妇女求助热线 " 计划为超过81.64 千赫的妇女提供援助,提供24/7的紧急服务和关于福利计划的信息,但西孟加拉邦除外。 Additionally, since 2015, the Women Helpline scheme has assisted over 81.64 lakh women, providing 24/7 emergency services and information on welfare schemes, except in West Bengal.