Farrington高中在附近发生枪击事件后关闭,一名男子受伤;警方进行调查。 Farrington High School closed after a nearby shooting left a man injured; police investigating.
Hononolulu的Farrington高中于星期三关闭,当时校园附近发生枪击,一名21岁男子右腿受枪伤,伤重严重。 Farrington High School in Honolulu was closed on Wednesday after a shooting near the campus left a 21-year-old man seriously injured with a gunshot wound to his right leg. 事件发生在凌晨4点左右,时间是15时64分N. King St,尽管尚不清楚枪击是否发生在学校场地上。 The incident occurred around 4 a.m. at 1564 N. King St, though it's unclear if the shooting happened on school grounds. 火奴鲁鲁警察局正在进行调查,学校仍然关闭,以防万一。 The Honolulu Police Department is investigating, and the school remains closed as a precaution.