VA的Roanoke的Patrick Henry高中因附近枪击而关闭,后来恢复上课。 Patrick Henry High School in Roanoke, VA, was locked down due to nearby shots fired, later resuming classes.
弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克的Patrick Henry高中于12月10日被关禁闭, 原因是有报导称阿维内尔大道发生枪击事件。 Patrick Henry High School in Roanoke, Virginia, was placed under lockdown on December 10th due to reports of shots fired on Avenel Avenue. 该学校后来迁至避难所,允许公共汽车进入。 The school later moved to a shelter-in-place status, permitting buses to enter. 尽管警察仍留在安全地区,但事件解决后,正常恢复上课。 Classes resumed normally after the incident was resolved, though police remained in the area for safety. 封锁是一项预防性措施,对学校没有直接威胁。 The lockdown was a precautionary measure, with no direct threat to the school.