Esther Thelus, 26岁,在将自己和她的两个儿子放火焚烧后,因一级谋杀罪被起诉。 Esther Thelus, 26, indicted for first-degree murder after setting herself and her two sons on fire.
Esther Thelus, 26岁,奥兰治郡母亲,据称在8月放火烧她和她的两个小儿子之后,被指控犯有一级谋杀罪和谋杀未遂罪。 Esther Thelus, a 26-year-old Orange County mother, has been indicted for first-degree murder and attempted murder after allegedly setting herself and her two young sons on fire in August. 8个月大的婴儿因伤势过重而死亡,而2岁的孩子受到轻微烧伤。 The 8-month-old baby died from his injuries, while the 2-year-old suffered minor burns. 这一事件可能起因于对年长子女的父母的监护权纠纷。 The incident may have stemmed from a custody dispute over the older child's parentage.