八名孟加拉籍移徙工人在受到轻微的愤怒指控后被剥光衣服,在Odisha游行。 Eight Bengali migrant workers were stripped and paraded in Odisha after a modesty outrage accusation.
在Odisha的Sundargarh,八名说孟加拉语的移徙工人在被指控企图侮辱当地妇女的谦卑之后被剥光衣服和游行。 In Sundargarh, Odisha, eight Bengali-speaking migrant workers were stripped and paraded after being accused of attempting to outrage a local woman's modesty. 事件发生在星期四上午,当地居民袭击工人,然后警察进行干预,将他们带到警察局。 The incident occurred on Thursday morning, with local residents assaulting the workers before police intervened and took them to a police station. 已登记了两起案件,一起针对工人,另一起针对当地居民。 Two cases have been registered, one against the workers and another against the local residents. 当局现正在核实双方的索赔要求。 Authorities are now verifying the claims from both sides.