华府警察开枪打死了一只狗 这只狗在一次家庭骚乱电话中咬了一名警官 D.C. police shot and killed a dog that bit an officer during a domestic disturbance call.
一名在西北特区的警官在星期三晚上开枪打死了一只狗,当时狗咬伤了一名接到家庭骚乱电话的警察。 A police officer in Northwest D.C. shot and killed a dog on Wednesday evening after it bit an officer responding to a domestic disturbance call. 事件发生在 Piney Branch Road 的 6700 街区。 The incident occurred in the 6700 block of Piney Branch Road. 被咬的警官被送往医院,警方正在调查这一事件。 The bitten officer was taken to a hospital, and the police department is investigating the event.