在Roxbury被她的狗杀死的妇女;这只狗还袭击了她的伴侣和两名警察。 Woman killed by her dog in Roxbury; the dog also attacked her partner and two police officers.
在马萨诸塞州的罗克斯伯里,一名妇女星期一被自己的狗袭击后死亡。 A woman in Roxbury, Massachusetts, died after being attacked by her own dog on Monday. 这只狗还咬了她的伴侣和两名应答警官。 The dog also bit her partner and two responding police officers. 警官向狗开枪,狗被动物控制局带走,狗与另外三只狗一起被从财产中带走。 The officers shot the dog, which was taken away by animal control along with three other dogs from the property. 预计这些男子和军官将在受伤后幸存下来。 The man and officers are expected to survive their injuries. 警方正在调查这一事件,并寻求关于狗的背景的更多信息。 Police are investigating the incident and seeking more information about the dog's background.