中国的大规模分水项目为中国北部超过1.85亿人提供了来自南部的水。 China's massive water diversion project has supplied over 185 million people in northern China with water from the south.
中国为期十年的南对北水转移项目,通过从水源丰富的南部转移767亿立方米的水,向中国北部易受旱灾地区的1.85亿多人供水。 China's South-to-North Water Diversion Project, active for a decade, has provided water to over 185 million people in northern China's drought-prone regions by transferring more than 76.7 billion cubic meters of water from the water-rich south. 2014年完成的中间路线已经转移了680亿立方米的水,使近1.14亿人受益。 The middle route, completed in 2014, has transferred over 68 billion cubic meters of water, benefiting nearly 114 million people. 环境志工被称为「好守护者」(Well Guarders), 帮助维持丹江库水库的水质量, Environmental volunteers, known as "Well Guardians," have helped maintain water quality at the Danjiangkou Reservoir, ensuring it remains suitable for drinking. 该项目显著改善了北京的供水,提高了地下水水平。 The project has significantly improved Beijing's water supply and raised underground water levels.