北京的地下水位因长江的大规模水分转移工程而大幅上升。 Beijing's groundwater levels soar due to a massive water diversion project from the Yangtze River.
过去十年来,由于长江流域的大规模水转移项目,北京的地下水水平大幅上升。 Beijing's groundwater levels have risen significantly over the past decade thanks to a massive water diversion project from the Yangtze River basin. 2014年启动的南至北水转移项目将106亿立方米的水运至北京,自2015年以来地下水储量增加了70亿立方米。 Initiated in 2014, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project has transported over 10.6 billion cubic meters of water to Beijing, leading to a 7 billion cubic meter increase in groundwater reserves since 2015. 城市对地下水的依赖已下降到其用水量的30%以下,从而缓解了缺水状况,并将贫瘠的河床转变为旅游景点。 The city's reliance on groundwater has dropped to less than 30% of its water usage, alleviating water scarcity and transforming barren riverbeds into tourist attractions.