一名英国登山者在西班牙Caminito del Rey失去知觉后死于心脏病。 A British climber died after falling unconscious and suffering cardiac arrest on Spain's Caminito del Rey.
一名20岁的英国登山者在西班牙El Chorro附近的Puente del Mono路线上登时昏倒并心脏骤停, A 20-year-old British climber died after falling unconscious and suffering cardiac arrest while climbing near El Chorro, Spain, on a route known as Puente del Mono. 应急反应人员试图进行心肺复苏,用直升机将他撤离,但不久后宣布他死亡。 Emergency responders attempted CPR and evacuated him by helicopter, but he was pronounced dead shortly after. 事件发生在著名的Caminito del Rey路上,坠落的原因正在调查中。 The incident occurred on the famous Caminito del Rey path, and the cause of the fall is under investigation.