28岁的英国游客在马洛卡州帕尔马诺瓦的旅馆墙上坠落15英尺处死亡。 28-year-old British tourist dies in 15-foot fall from hotel wall in Palmanova, Mallorca.
28岁的英国游客在狂欢一夜后,从马洛卡帕尔马诺瓦的Reverence Mare旅馆的一堵旅馆墙摔下15英尺。 28-year-old British tourist dies in a 15-foot fall from a hotel wall at Reverence Mare Hotel in Palmanova, Mallorca, after a night of partying. 事件发生在他女友面前,她焦虑不安,需要治疗。 The incident occurred in front of his girlfriend, who suffered an anxiety attack and required treatment. 当局在国民警卫队进一步调查之前,将死亡视为悲剧性事故。 Authorities are treating the death as a tragic accident pending further investigation by the Civil Guard.