三名嫌疑人,包括两名十几岁的人,因涉嫌在麦迪逊发生的致命枪击而被捕。 Three suspects, including two teens, arrested in connection with a fatal shooting in Madison.
包括两名青少年在内的三人因与麦迪逊北侧枪击事件有关而被捕,枪击造成一人死亡,两人受伤。 Three individuals, including two teenagers, have been arrested in connection with a shooting on Madison's north side that left one man dead and two teens injured. 16岁、17岁和19岁的嫌疑人面临各种指控,包括谋杀和抢劫。 The suspects, aged 16, 17, and 19, face various charges including murder and robbery. 受害人是一名22岁的男子,在现场受伤后死亡。 The victim, a 22-year-old man, died from his injuries at the scene. 麦迪逊警方继续调查Parkcrest公寓发生的事件。 The Madison police continue to investigate the incident that occurred at Parkcrest Apartments.